Marcus Wilson-Stevenson, a man of vision, a dedicated “hands-on” inspired leader, founder of The Boyz R Back nonprofit organization, & 3MV Management enhancing the image of professional athletes. In 1997, returning from Atlanta G.A. where he served as volunteer with outreach programs such as The Hosea Williams feed the homeless project. Stevenson served as Order Instructor for 9 years at the Forsyth County Correctional Center. Reaching youth he began to realize would be an excellent way to prevent the tragedies of prison life for many. To connect with young people, he began working as a middle school assist EC teacher in the Winston Salem/Forsyth County, where he asked students to write their goals down. He discovered a disturbing trend; some students had no dreams nor goals, and some student athletes dreamed of only large paychecks. No plans exited for reaching their potential academically, spiritually, or even physically.