Mayo Clinic (n.d.). “Stroke: Overview.”
Category: Latest Health News
Timely information on various health conditions including: Alzheimer’s disease, Chronic Pain, Diabetes, Emotional Health, Hypertension, Kidney Disease, and Stroke. Links cover disease descriptions, causes, symptoms, at-risk communities, prevention, connections to the social environment, health disparities, coping, and further information.
About Stroke
American Heart Association (n.d.). “About Stroke.”
Risk Factors for Stroke
American Heart Association (n.d.). “Stroke Risk Factors.”
What Causes Stroke?
Healthwise (). “Stroke Health Center: Cause.” WebMD.
Stroke Symptoms
Healthwise (). “Stroke: Symptoms.” WebMD.
Stroke Warning Signs
American Heart Association (n.d.). “Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms.”
Who Is Affected by Stroke?
Vega, Jose (). “Interesting Facts and Statistics About Stroke.” About Health.
Preventing Stroke
National Stroke Association (n.d.). “Preventing a Stroke.” Centennial, CO.
Social Environment & Stroke Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (). Heart-Healthy and Stroke-Free: A Social Environment Handbook. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Stroke Health Disparities
Benjamin, Alecia (). “Disparities in stroke care prevail among U.S. racial/ethnic groups.” Health Equity Matters. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Health, Office of Minority Health and Public Health Policy.